Author Topic: Forum conduct  (Read 1322 times)


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Forum conduct
« on: February 13, 2021, 04:18:35 PM »
Welcome to the Fantasy Toonz Forums! We are providing these forums with a friendly environment where you can discuss the game, ideas, frustrations, etc.. with other members of our community and our Dev team. We not only ask, but DEMAND, that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner when participating in these forums. If you do not conduct yourself in a manner that we consider civilized then we will revoke your privileges to use not only these forums but also your access to any of the products of Brat Gaming including, but not limited to, all games, forums and website activities. Lesser punishments for violations can include anything from a 1 hour ban of any and all our products and services to a full lifetime ban of your account without a refund. So again.. please conduct yourself in a respectable, civilized manner on our websites and in our games.

We reserve the right to evaluate every incident on a case by case basis. Forum moderators have the right to immediately silence or ban a person for any reason. Your use of our products and services is a privilege and not a right (even if you have paid to use them) and our moderators have our permission to address violations in any manner they feel appropriate. You may contact Brat Gaming in order to request a review of any action taken against you by sending an email to

The following list is not an exhausted list of behaviors we feel may invoke some type of punishment or action from our moderators:

Any actions (including text, speech or visual symbolism) that includes both clear or masked intentions involving or promoting racial/ethnic hatred, slurs, or that allude to symbolic racial or ethnic behaviors will not be tolerated. Depending on severity the first offense will usually involving a ban from the forums and games for a period of 24 hours. Multiple violations may involve permanent bans for all products and services of Brat Gaming.

Any type of harassment involving sexuality and/or violence will receive a permanent ban of all systems, forums and games of Brat Gaming.

Real-Life Threats:
Any and all acts involving real life violence will receive an immediate ban and be reported to law enforcement. We will follow ALL suggestions of said law enforcement agencies including sharing all player information and activity. Decisions on punishment for such activities will be reviewed on a case by case situation by Brat Gaming and all decisions of punishment will be final.

Account trading/selling/sharing:
Account trading is not allowed. Account selling is not allowed. Account sharing is not allowed. Any person who attempts to trade, sell or share their account in any manner and in any place (including outside our systems and services) will receive a permanent ban for both the account holder and the person receiving the account. The characters and all items/progress of that account will be permanently deleted without any chance of recovery.

Personal Information:
Personal information of our players and customers (including free-to-play accounts) will not be tolerated. Any incidents involving personal information that is not yours will result in a temporary ban and a review by Brat Gaming. All decisions are final.

Cheating/Hacks/Malicious Programs:
Anything outside of what Brat Gaming considers as intended gameplay is considered cheating. Anyone involved in cheating/Hacking or distribution of Malicious Programs will receive a temporary ban and upon review and severity may receive a permanent ban. This includes not only the use of but the posting, linking or sharing of anything that violates our intended gameplay. As a player, you are required to report anything in the game that may be considered as unintended gameplay.

Impersonating a Brat Gaming or Fantasy Toonz employee:
Permanent ban. Brat Gaming has absolutely no tolerance for anyone impersonating one of our employees. This includes past employees representing themselves as current employees.

Spamming or Trolling:
In game we are expecting the community to control spamming and trolling but in the forums it will not be tolerated. Moderators have the right to temporarily ban any player that is seen to be spamming or trolling the forums. The amount of time the ban is active for is at the discretion of our moderators. Multiple violations may invoke a permanent ban.

Any advertising outside of guild recruitment is strictly forbidden without prior permission and will include a permanent ban depending on severity.

Discussing Disciplinary Actions:
All disciplinary actions are only to be discussed with employees of Brat Gaming and Fantasy Toonz. You are not allowed to make posts or threads to discuss actions taken against a player or account on the forums. All discussions will take place in email or online chat. Violations may include increasing the severity of punishment.

Circumventing a suspension or ban:
This would include posting on another account or having another person post on your behalf. Punishment can include up to being permanent ban.