To Everything There is a Season.. Turn, Turn, Turn..
Current Season Prizes
Seasons in Fantasy Toonz last for a period of three months. This may change depending on how things play out in pre-season. The first eight to ten weeks of a season is for players to increase their champion ranks for the finals that occur in the last couple weeks of a season.
Any player can compete in a season. The only difference is with your payment system. If you are a free to play player then you can compete all the way up to the start of the current season’s finals. If you purchased the game outright you can compete throughout the whole season including the finals and receive only in game prizes such as auras, weapons, armor and more for the next season. If you purchased a season pass you can compete throughout the complete season and receive the full rewards including real world items such as cash, computers, console systems and more.
The first season Fantasy Toonz will have is pre-season and will be active during alpha and beta releases. Season one will begin two weeks after Fantasy Toonz is released.
Current Champion Ranks
Creating a Champion

Creating a champion is easy.. just win, win, win. Haa haa haa! Yes, there is more to it than that. But seriously, the way to create a champion is to first declare a specific city as your home city. As you complete tasks such as player contracts and competing in arenas your reputation level for your home city will increase and so will your Champion level. While champion levels can only be increased by competing in arenas your reputation level affects the time it takes to increase your champion level. A Toon who has an extremely high reputation level of their home city will gain champion points at a faster pace than a player who has a low reputation level with their home city. Each Toon can set their own home city to be champion of so you as a player you can potentially be champion of a number of different cities. The problem arises when you have multiple Toonz competing in the same arena at the same time. We will do what we can to try to avoid this issue but it can only be avoided to a certain degree. When you do have more than one Toon competing at the same time you must choose which Toon you want to be for that round of the season. The rest of your Toonz will forfeit their match for that round and possibly even be eliminated.
The first eight to ten weeks of a season (regular season) will be on a ranking system to determine who will play in the final. Prizes will be given out at the end of regular season and before season finals start for the players that do not make the finals or who are not eligible for the finals. Prizes for Toonz competing in finals will be given out once finals are over. Please allow time for real world prizes to be sent to you or you can pick them up from our offices.
There will be a break of 2 weeks in between each season in which you can purchase a new season pass for the next season or to use a season pass you already have. Once a season has begun you may no longer purchase a season pass for that season.
Increasing Rank
There are two parts involved in increasing your champion rank. The first is your reputation rank with your home city. Every time you increase your reputation level with your home city you will receive an increase in the bonus you receive to your champion level. The bonus you gain to your champion level will be tracked separately and applied to your total score before ranking takes place. Players who gain a positive bonus effect will have a green colored score and those that have a negative bonus rating will have a red colored score. Players that receive no bonus will have a gold colored score.
The same process applies to racial arenas including the colored score.
The main way for you to increase your champion level is to compete in arenas during a season and to place in the top 33% of each match. If you place in the middle 33% of a match you will not gain or lose any points and if you place in the bottom 33% of a match you will lose champion points. The only exception to this is the person or team who places first in each match and will receive extra points for their win.
Fantasy Toonz may eventually go to a more complex point system where points are gained for length of time in an arena, unique ways of defeating other players, defeating a player before their heal timer expires and more. Until then we will stick with a simple win loss point system and see how pre-season turns out.

Seasonal Prizes

Season prizes will be given to players at different times dependent of the type of prizes involved. Digital prizes that are used in game such as aura packs, item token, season passes, pets, mounts, etc.. will be delivered once the regular season is over (for those who do not purchase a season pass) and once the finals are over for those players that have elected to purchase a season pass. All real world prizes will be shipped out as soon as possible but may take up to eight weeks to arrive at your door. Shipping of prizes is currently restricted to the 48 contiguous states. Any prize winners outside the 48 contiguous states may opt to pay the postage to have items shipped to Hawaii or Alaska. No items will be shipped to any other country or territory at this time. This may (and probably will) change in the future.